OMG today, or yesterday should i say (since its like 4am now) was soo warm! And it was the first of spring too!
I love it!
Cant wait to wear short shorts and go to the beach and wear colourful things! Not that winter stopped me from wearing bright things, I dunno i was just emo in terms of my outfit this winter.
But yeahh....
Also i was just thinking about a lot of things today. Because I met up with two of my friends from High School who just kept mocking and saying a lot of stupid things about the Youth group and stuff. Like when they found out the meeting that I had to go to which was canceled was a youth group... they were all like
"Ohh no. Do you like have to pray extra hours now and make up for it!?"
And then when I went to order my food, one looked saw my diary which was on the table and saw the page with the little prayer on it about lifting our all in our studies. And of course she had to read it out loud to tell the other one.
Then I told them how awesome the camps were. And when the other one joins the uni that YFC is really big at, she should check it out and join. And shes like
"Bahahha can we have alcohol at Bible Camp?"
"Omg at meetings do you ever like whip the Bible out. Bahah and be like 'As said in Mark...'...OMG how hilarious"
So yeah I guess it was appropriate that I went to the CASS meeting today, because the topic was Apologists- defending the Catholic faith and stuff from the misconceptions that are out there. I remember Kuya Bryan actually showed us a few vids back in NZ on this guy named Tim Staples, who i keep forgetting to check out. And yeahh i guess I just didnt want the whole thing to upset me. Because lets face it, not everyone is going to understand or agree with the certain things that you belive in, and they are entitled to their own opinion.
But the thing is, i wouldnt mind so much, if these same girls were actually nice. I mean yes they are nice to me and our friends (most times), but i mean i know they do a lot of stupid things that are just soo wrong.
Like i know for a fact that they posted a picture of one of my ex-besties on some dating website and wrote a lot of disgusiting things as a joke. I mean what do they get out of it? And the whole thing is just so immature. We're 18 and adults now for heaven's sake. Grow up a little!?
I've moved on with all that, and i was the one who was even affected the most by it all. Like we just have to move on. Why do such a horrible thing?
And there's other things too I guess. Like the fact that all they think about is getting wasted. And if you go out with them on a night out, and you dont want to get wasted, you're just a wuss. Like what the hell. I mean whyyy get drunk? Why? What do you get out of that. Like yes, you feel soo good or whatever, but it just destroys your body. And there are other way of having fun!
I guess it might take me a while to deal and properly react to all this. I mean my close friends are still my High School friends, and this is my first year out of High School.
Like I dont want to abandon them or anything when i do find friends who are heaps awesome and understand the path that im to go towards, but i would like it if they had a little more respect.
At the moment these girls havnt really seen the bigger picture of things and havent really had an open mind about these things. I mean sure, we went to a Catholic High School, but I guess that means nothing these days. As in, Yes it does, but it seems like the students in Catholic school are the least Catholic once they leave and kinda rebel against it.
And yeahh i guess these girls do come from different backgrounds and stuff. Like their family arent practicing and active Christians and only go to mass once a year, which they often dread.
Gahh I get so annoyed about all this. I mean farr out it just gets to me sometimes. Like some of these girls dont even have a lot of close friends outside the group. So they consider their closest friends to be the same ones from High School. There is no problem with that, but come on, we are going to drift a bit at some stage (maybe its not obvious at first) and maybe become closer again at some point later on in our lives. So we gotta accept to learn to respect others.
What im trying to say here, is that they really should think of things from other perspectives. And maybe they will learn a lot of things about others, and even themselves. Even if you dont want to be a Christian, at least be a nice athiest or whatever. BE NICE :) that's all I ask of em.
But yes, I have to admit i aint perfect myself. I'm not nice 100% of the time, and i havnt been nice all my life. I guess it just takes time for each individual. And that's why everytime I wake up i try to remember to pray to God. Pray for another day where we can show how we can live a life they way He wants us to 'live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as [you] were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.'
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