On this day of your life, Simone, we believe God wants you to know ... that change is the very nature of life, - welcome it. | |
| No glass ever became sand again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened fruit ever became a flower. Welcome change, and choose what kind of glass you create, what kind of bread you bake, what kind of fruit you harvest. |
Seriously where on earth did the time go!
So its week 5 already at uni and im already feeling sfd#@$@#
So I did my talk on Wednesday, and I dont think I did too bad :S
It was like a group of 7 guys in a small room, and I me reading! And Crystal said she's on placement now every Wednesday so I might have to help out more than I though this sem. Like I gotta organise the weekly meetings and all which is kinda a scary thought.
I went to USYD's meeting the next day and I must admit, they have a good bunch of peeps there. I mean the people full turn up on time and actually wanna be there, which is kinda different to UTS where we gotta nag people :S
But yeah that's something I gotta change I guess, well attempt to anyway.
And at the meeting a lot of questions and sharings were herd and I kinda feel like I was relating to them so much. I mean it's not easy. But we just gotta keep having faith and perseverance.
As said in the awesome book ;) . . .
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to preserve so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
- Hebrews 10:35-36
And I got the programming assignment today. And honestly, its friggin scary. I need to put soo much more effort in it than i thought. But hey, can't say they didnt warn me!
Marketing is okay i guess, pretty simple. Economics :S need to revise economics all over again. But thank gosh I did it last year, otherwise i'd be sooo darn screwed.
And Web Systems. Well I'm slowly getting it :S
Ohh and Monica has her HSC Music Performance thing on Thursday night. And I must say, she was pretty damn good :) Good job sis!
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