Instead of sitting down and typing non - stop till it is finished, I continue to get distracted and so this week i have a different background as I prepare for the accounting exam:

>> farrrrrk and i still gotta burn that stupid cd
And yehh I got to study and the only facebook access i will allow myself is on my phone.
And I wont be needed the laptop as much since most of the accounting is like printed out already. So i will only be using it for academic puposes (ie. UTS online etc) and to log onto this and write stuff or if i'm really bored I can use still play around with the webcam, since I get that bored and my mind needs breaks and I dont know what I'm saying anymore because it is 3:35 am and i still havnt finished, still havnt packed for tomorrow, still havnt burnt that cd vodcast and have to get up again in 3hrs.
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