Yehh so on the train this afternoon, after the exam, I wrote down my initial thoughts on my phone...
On the train, just stopped at Sydenham. So, that was the longest 3hrs of my life. No joke. And I'm never going to pull an all - nighter again before a 3hrs exam! FML. I'm not even going to talk about how I reckon I went. Don't want to jinx it. But gah. And like seriously 20 minutes into the exam I could not keep my eyes open! I even thought about going to the bathroom to wash my face, but I knew even that wouldn't wake me up. Fck it. I'm just praying for a miracle, just a bit more than a pass is what I need. But I guess not everything goes as planned. So if I have to repeat it, then I'll do just that. We can only learn from things and move on from it I guess. There's nothing stopping me from moving forwards towards the things I want out of this life.
So yehh I got home just after 1 and I was so exhausted, I pretty much went straight back to bed after that.
And when I woke up there was a party in the house.
I didn't want to get out of bed, but I couldn't stay there too long. It was good actually because I got to talk with Tita Mel, and as always, she made me realise a lot of things.
I didn't want to talk about the accounting exam so I told them about MPO which I love wayy more, and so I showed them my essay.
And she said it was really interesting, because she actually likes reading about Managing people since she is now in charge of a team consisting of 20 people who all have to report to her.
So yeahh I dunno its really interesting, like the relationships and ways to manage individuals. I mean you can't just google a strategy and read the intructions and implement a plan just like that. It's a working progress which takes time, patience, a lot of effort, but in the end it seems like she has had a rewarding experience, which has taught her so many things.
Like yehh I can most probably see myself doing a similar corporate type job, but at the same time she shows how you can still enjoy life, and with a positive approach, there is less burden and more freedom. It's not as if she is stuck in a cubicle with people she has to boss around, because at the same time she has formed great bonds and relationships with them that makes their time spent together more worthwhile.
She seriously knows a lot about history too, well I guess being married to people like Uncle Pat does that =P. But yeahh its really interesting. Like she said that people like Shackelton can back up these ideas of leadership, because although they did not conquer their initial goal (something about going to the Antarctic and placing a British flag there I think...) yeah, despite not being able to do that, Shackelyon was a great man because he was able to at least bring back every memeber of his team alive despite the harsh conditions. He knew how attempt doing such great tasks and control people. That's not even the right word for it. Like his great spirit and enthusiasm kept them all alive. It's incredible. She said she'd lend me her book on it which should be interesting.

And she also told me this other really interesting story about the Dunkirk or something, how the British people saved so many French soldiers or something when they were being attacked by the Germans. And like they could only be saved if they were lead out of the island or whatever by boat across to England, and all the British people, like ordinary people with ordinary fishing boats, all came out to save them despite the great risks.
But yeah. I guess what I'm saying to myself is that the path to our dreams and desires is not a smooth one. We will face things that we don't want to like these stupid exams and stuff, but in the end if you keep striving for it. You'll get there. But just enjoy it while you're at it.