I personally think i've worked hard this year...but of course its not good enough.
- Mathematics
F*CK!!!! If i ever have kids who come home telling me they suck and hates maths... i will happily reply "No worries... its not the end of the world." Maths wreckedmy life. Teacher was nutts. Could never ever memorise all the freakin formulas...it just hated me and i hated it. I think i probably cried over algebra. And i hated saturday afternoons... because i had tutoring and i would just panic at the papers put in front of me. In terms of the final exam OMFG it was like "Get me out of here NOW" 5 minutes into the exam.
- English
Paper 1 - the common paper- can kiss my ass...i can't believe i wrote the essay using 2 related material...when it said ONE and i didnt read it...omg i wanted to kill myself after that.
It was during these lessons that i came up with the finest works of scribbles and arts all over my booksBut i must admit i did love it. I was getting really good towards the end. My essays were a surprise to me...i actually wanted to turn Jewish at many times lmao... Hassidism (significant school of thought), Synagogue services (significant practice), Bioethics- HATED IT (read the inside cover of my folder)...Then there was Christianity... i was the queen of Hildegard of Bingen.
Then there was the final exam. I was so happy and confident. I mean how hard

- Economics

Don't get me wrong... Mr crump was a great teacher...but he just didnt get the excellent teacher award. Yes i know im probably just saying all this coz my rank was hmm let me see... 5/5... but hey they were all nerds!!! Double prd lessons was like torture to me (because i had him for geo too!!!)
The exam was kinda okay...but eco wasnt always my strongest exam...i mean there was always so much content and i just didnt see how easy the stuff was till later on.
- Geography

The exam was actually easy...i think but i dont want to ginx myself. I just hated how we had to draw a precint map or wotevs...mr crump sucked at skills so he never really taught as any.
- Art
GAHHHH. Art was so so. I mean theory wise was a bludge coz i loved essay writing ONLY for
art...but the practical side of it was fucking annoying. Miss Burton made me believe that i was good at sculpture masks...and it turned out shit.
I guess you really have to be weird to succeed in art. Not that Shannons was weird or anything
I think thats all the subjects...im just praying to God now that i get an atar that will get me to one of my courses in UNSW (pretty pleaseee) or Sydney Uni, because i really don't want to travel to Macquarie Uni... And i just want to get my tiny name in the newspaper...even if its just one subject please God
But then again the atars not the end of the world right... theres other ways...but i still want to do good in this so please God help me. I just think its like a waste of my time...i stayed up so many nights so i want to feel as if it wasnt all for nothing.
Well tomorrow im just gonna prepare myself all day for the 16th. If i log on and the numbers not good...it can go two ways
- I lock myself in the room and put the music up full blast or
- I go to Audrey's swimming carnval and drown myself
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