Firstly OMG i was at the vip party for the fireworks thanks to shannon and it was awesome and my feet kill really badly!!! And i must write that shannon shoved mini bottles of alcho in my bag and i almost got caught lmao!!! The fireworks were incredible!!! Apparently one of the best cities with fireworks for new years in the world!!!
And shannon was discussing stuff that we were gna do for the following new years which included:
1) Going to New Zealand for new years- because there 2hrs advanced which would be awesome...because then we'd be one of the first to celebrate!?!
2) Go to New York because there is some ball thingy that sounds awesome
and there were other ones that i cant think of at the moment haha
but i told her these new years eve plans would have to start in 2011 since i will be spending New years in the philippines!!! Fingers crossed anyway
Ohh and i read my horoscope in the cleo mag...and i dont usually follow/ beleive in them...but this one was soo true. The topic sentence was something like "in 2010 leave friends who are not kind behind" So yeah alleluiah i am sooo doing that.
But anyway over the past week there has been alot that i have had to think about. One of my Kuyas came over for like a week and a bit and the things and stuff that he said has really got me thinking. Like things about being more grateful and thankful for the many things i have in life... which has made me realise that because of that i should have a more positive attitude in life...because after all there are heaps more people worse off than me.
I guess here where i live we're not as 'spiritual' and 'holy' as a lot of our family living elsewhere, and it really got me thinking... why?. There could be many reasons such as the in we go to church where there isnt many youth groups and stuff...and i am surrounded by friends who don't go to church.
But this year i want to change that. I don't want to have a closer relationship with God because it seems like the right thing to do...but i honestly want to because my cousin really convinced me that by being closer to God... life is indeed much richer in many ways. And i really need that change in attitude because 2009 was not really a very happy -or wotevs you wanna call it- year for me. 2010 is my year of transition!!!
Which leads to my new years resolution #1:
"Be more grateful and thankful for the many things i am blessed with in life"
And then theres other my promise to Ate Muri that i will be able to
"speak tagalog to fluently when we go to the philippines at the end of the year"(... omg thats like less than 365 days!!! So excited!!!) So yea... tito Fred is even gonna give me some cd on how to speak filo...
And then theres the other one... to be able to play the guitar ;)
Well theres so many other things i have to record in my blogs...but atm i cant really think straight because it been a long night...and its now 5:01 am...and i'm in my room which is extremely hot.