Anyway its like 3:46am and recently ive been hearing/ telling people about those freaky- true to life stories so i dont want to sleep just yet.
Ohhh and i also started this fairy puzzle for the 5th time since i got it in like 2003. I finished it in 3 days apparently :) ...says it in the back of one of the pieces
Anyway yehh i dont want to sleep for that reason and because im confused still on what i want to do as in my uni preferences which must be in by the 6th. Anyway i think my mum knows best so i let her look at the courses and suggest stuff to me. And everytime she called out one...all i would think is ..."How would that sound when i told people!?"...hahah as in like "Does 'Bachelor in Science and Information Technology' sound lame???" And it prob sounds stupid...i mean youu dont bloody choose a course just because it sounds smart. So thats what ive been is it worth travelling to Macquarie University just because i want to do commerce...because it sounds good...and "Do i really really want to do something in economics/ commerce-y stuff??"
Anyway yehh so ive been thinking heaps...and i looked at some of these quote books we have lying everywhere in the house...and it sounds lame as...but some are actually totally true and yeah im in monica's room at the moment trying looking at some of em, and i think im gonna post all the ones i think are awesome and i want to remember during times like this in the future...
This is gonna be one long here it goes .... ;)
"Most people see success as being rich or famous and influential. Others see it as being at the top of their profession and standing out from the rest.
The wise see success in a more personal way; they set it as achieving the goals they have set for themselves, and then feeling pride and satisfaction in their accomplishments.
True success is felt in the heart, not measured by money and power."
- Tim Tweedie
"Unless you walk out into the unknown, the odds of making a profound difference in life are pretty low." (Days when im feeling lazy haha)
- Tom Peters
"At least once a day, allow yourself to think and dream for yourself."
- Albert Einstein
"It is not what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable."
- Moliere
"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly."
- Buckminister Fuller
"I dream for a living"
- Steven Spielberg
"The brain simply beleives what you tell it most. And what you tell it about you, it will create. It has no choice."
-Chandler Fuller
"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe we are gifted for something."
- Marie Curie
"Nothing great was ever created without enthusiasm."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"It's all about following your bliss, losing it, and finding it again."
- Natalie Chapman.
"Don't follow your dreams, chase them."
- Anonymous
"The Path to a dream is paved with sacrifices and lined with determination. And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way and may go in more than one direction, it is marked with faith.
It is traveled by belief and courage, persistence and hard work.
It is conquered with a willingness to face challenges and take chances, to fail and try again and again.
Along the way, you may have to confront doubts, setbacks and unfairness.
But when the path comes to an end, you will find that there is no greater joy than making your dream come true."
- Barbara Cage
"If there is one characteristic that all great champions share, it's an enormous sense of pride. That's true in all walks of life. The people who excel are those who are driven to show the world - and prove themselves- just how good they are."
- Nancy Lopez
"When you have a goal in life that takes a lot of energy, that requires a lot of work, that incurs a great deal of interest and that is a challenge to you, you will always look forward to waking up to see what the new day will bring."
- Susan Polis Schutz
Success is...
"...Not measure by how well you fulfill the expectations of others, but by how honestly you live up to your own opportunities."
- Linda Principe
"Clear your mind of can't"
- Samuel Johnson
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
- T.S. Eliot
Ohh and someone on the train not so long ago told us that
"If your mind can conceive can achieve it" xD
Wow i don't think i've typed like that for soo long since i had to write essays at school... well i wont be too happy about that since im going to star uni in like 2months and it will prob be equal in torture.
So yeah its now 4:38 and i think i better go to bed pretty soon...mum asked yesterday if we wanted to have that chinese porridge stuff that rosemarie likes at hurstville for hopefully i will be up for that...i really wanna go out...its like im prisoned...i need to be freeeeeeeee
Well thats most of the quotes i found in books...there are heaps more other ones from my fav shows like gossip girl which i think are pretty funny and true to life. But i had this thing called HSC all year so i kinda need to catch up badly!!!
And i dont know if this is going to work in my early years...but i really dont wanna spend my life "living to work" as id rather "work to live"... well after i get those bloody expensive and incredibly cute pair of jimmy choos...and have a wardrobe looking like this ....lmao
Hopefully i can remember these random things to keep me sane through this year and achieve my personal goals...and the resolutions lmao. Kuya b just wrote that i didnt have to go along with the playign guitar thing unless i wanted to...well i do and i'll show people i can actually do something lol...and they can see it for themselves when i post a new vid up on youtube of me and clarisse doing another random weird thing haha.
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